
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

# 10 - HEALTH - Importance of Fruits

An Apple A Day.......Keeps The Doctors Away.

How true that saying is, that we MUST eat at least an apple a day. Or maybe some kind of fruits every day?

I remember during my younger days when fruits were considered luxury items. And the goodness of eating fruits has not been taught to me. So I didn't see its benefits and ended up eating more junk food than anyone else on this planet!

Maybe that's the reason why I suffered from all sorts of stomach-related ilnesses when I reached my early 20's. Constipation is one of it. Gastro bla bla is another one. Heart burn etc. Nothing serious but it could have been !

Then I started reading on how to take care of my stomach and learn the importance of fruits in our diet. So since a few years back I've been steadily taking more fruits and vegetables in my diet.

Hence nowadays cleaning my bowels everyday can be considered as 'very smooth affair' - nothing to be ashamed to tell about this because that place,i.e getting rid of stomach waste (toxic) is the source of most diseases.

So, now, my improvement for today is my awareness to inculcate the habits of eating fruits to my young ones. I've been encouraging them to do so since there were little and alhamdulillah so far my kids LIKE fruits very much but I believe there's more room for improvement.

Just that it has been done seldomly and now I want to make it as a routine to ENSURE they eat at least one fruit a day. So, from today I'm going to make sure my kids eat at least one fruit per day....and that will be an improvement for me!

# 9 - WORK improvement - Monitoring System


Today I improved on a system which I've used for quite some time.

For the past few years I've been writing and updating my TO DO list on a spreadsheet, consisting of two main columns :

1) the OUT OF OFFICE to do

2) the IN OFFICE to do

So far this system has been working OK. I would copy yesterday's To Do worksheet into a new worksheet, clear the completed tasks and key-in new tasks. Then at the end of the day I threw the paper away. What a waste!

So whilst thinking on what to improve today, I thought of improving this system. Basically I maintain the layout as above (coz it works OK for now).

What's new is that after I've updated the tasks for today and printed it out, I would.....

1) Fold-in both Left and Right margins (about 2cm each side)

2) Fold into half vertically the whole A4

3) Fold into half again horizontally

4) Hence I have 4 empty spaces to record these 4 EXTRA headings :

i) My Spending for Today

ii) My Journey (for toll&claim&sales report purposes) for Today

iii) My Improvement for Today

iv) My ETC for Today

5) This folded paper then is placed in my shirt's pocket which is easy to reach

6) The To Do Page is ready for filing for future references

Now I wonder, if I were to own a PDA, would I still use this system? Only time will tell.....

UPDATE : 20 Apr 2011


Without realising it, I've been using this monitoring system for YEARS now!
I've got a PDA but still using this system (with a few modifications...) because I got so used to it.

Have been improving it bit by bit everyday.

And today I made another improvement - giving each field of to do list a CODE so that I could write the CODE on each To Do paper/document, for easy monitoring and reference later on.

So now it looks like this...