I'm not trying to be a Human Rights proponent here when I say that it is our right to be rich!
That's not my intention at all. And I'm not going to use the Basic Human Rights argument just to make a point....
What I mean by our right is that, whatever we become today is a result of what we planned and envisioned long time ago. So, if today I'm not rich...that's my right!
I deserved it! I'm not rich because I'd NEVER, I repeat NEVER dreamed of being RICH ! It sounds silly, but that's TRUE. No shame in admitting that.
But now, things are about to change. Now I WANT TO BE RICH. Even better, I must say that I AM ALREADY RICH and I WANT TO BE RICHER !
I'm also already acting like I am rich, because You BE--> You DO--> You HAVE....... and not the other way round.....i.e don't wait until you HAVE something then you want to do and act like you already have it. When you're used to acting like you already own it, then one day YOU WILL OWN it ! Simple example, the car that I've been driving the last 7 years is not mine, it's still the bank's but I acted like it's mine. I take care of it, love it, treasure it, thus it's mine one day! And if I really need a smartphone, I should just get it first, and work like hell to pay for it ! Because if I keep on saying that I must save the money first, most likely I will never get it !
Therefore, to be rich, I must act like I'm already rich.
At this point in time, I must make it clear that the definition of RICH is very subjective. You can ask 100 different people and yet every single one of them will give a different definition of what they perceive as RICH. So it is a matter of perception.
In general, you define RICH in the form of material possessions, like the house you live in, the car you drive and the salary you bring home or the position you hold in a small/big organisation. And you normally give an example of a rich man you know in order to define RICH. For example you see the richest man in your kampung as rich, or the richest man in the country as rich.
Nothing is wrong with all the above definitions and examples, but they're not accurate ! Why? because once you see only the richest people as rich, you limit your own chance of being rich!
After doing some reading on How To Live & Die Rich....I can summarise it as follows :

De-fine - what YOU mean as RICH
Sa-ve - Spend only on Needs, not Wants
In-vest - Make $ works for you
D-egree - or education --> can earn more
H-ealth - look after yourself --> spend less
Ma-rry - 2 heads & pockets better than 1
ENJOY - yr life (that's the aim of being RICH)
So, who wants to be RICH like me? Come join my group.....I Want to Live & Die Rich...check it out at my FB...
Amir DeSa InDaH
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