
Saturday, July 18, 2009

# 7 - FAMILY improvement - A House is More Than A Roof Over Your Head


We normally take things for granted, until we lose it. For example, the home we are staying in.

If our home is still on mortgage, the house is not ours until the last payment has been made to the bank! And only last week I found out that the bank can auction your house without evicting you out first! So, for all you know, the home you're living in has been sold to someone else.

That's a bit off my topic of self-improvement for today but a bit related in the sense that we normally missed our home only when we have gone away on a long trip. Only then we knew that our home has the best bed, the best food and even the best toilet! And what makes our home the best is what we make of it.

Today my best improvement is to make sure that my home is AS TIDY AS POSSIBLE because all these while my home has been in a mess. The space is small yet my things are a lot. So I have a space issue. This can only be solved by installing more cabinets, something which I intend to do not too distant in future.

So today I used the 5S concept which I've just learned in the Wikipidea and made my home a litttle bit more tidy and nicer to look at!

# 6 - WORK improvement - Opportunity Windows

Grab An Opportunity Once You See It !

I was never much of an opportunist. The term itself was so strange for me. Even when I got to know what it means, I always thought that an opportunist is an evil man.

Now I beg to differ.

Why? Because by being an opportunist you are already one step ahead of your competitor. By being one step ahead means that you are one step closer to win the battle - whatever battle it may be.

For example, I encountered one problem yesterday, related to a colleague of mine. The problem was quite big, but I also saw an opportunity if I can solve the problem.

So I proposed a solution to the affected party and the solution will surely benefit both of us, i.e. a win-win situation! The person agreed to my proposal and hence his problem is solved and I had managed to turn a problem into an opportunity and then into victory!

So my best achievement today is grabbing an opportunity when it was presented to me. I like it and I'll make sure not to let any future opportunities be wasted like it used to be.