It was only yesterday that I was writing about the need to have a SYSTEM to record my improvements. I even created the THREE MAIN areas of my IMPROVEMENT MASTER PLAN, i.e work & personal
But then it crossed my mind that if I'm thinking about it maybe somone else in this world has thought about it before ! After all Self-Improvement is a global subject. Everyone in this world, disregard of their race,religion,background etc, need to improve !
So I started searching the web, clicking a few sites. And I found that there are vast amount of materials/tools/techniques and resources which can be used to help me improve myself.
I didn't have the time to check all the websites but out of all that I've visited, one site is perfect for me - http://www.selfgrowth.com/
I think it is good for me because the founder has been promoting self improvement since 10 years ago and his website is very comprehensive and seems sincere enough to help people who want to improve !
If you are just like me, always wanting to improve yourself, check out this site and join it too.....