
Thursday, September 10, 2009

# 21 - HABIT improvement - Reverse Parking

Something Which Can Be Turned into Good Habit
I promised myself to write again in 7 days time from my last improvement note, with one major improvement in my life. So today I'm proud to say that I've been consciously practising Reverse Parking(RP) whenever possible.
So, what is Reverse Parking(RP) anyway? Basically it means we park our car in reverse mode. So, what's so good about RP?
Before I talk about the benefits of RP, I would like to tell the story where I got the idea to RP. Just like any other ideas in my life, it doesn't come out of the blue. In fact the first time I saw the notice board which recommends RP was about 3 years ago and at that time I couldn't be bothered to think about it. But now I'm different. I'm a changed person.
Where did I see such a notice? It was at TNB Research Sdn Bhd. In fact I kept on seeing the same notice at most of TNB offices/stations again and again. It turned out that it is some sort of TNB's corporate policy to encourage RP.
If a big organisation like TNB is practising it, it must be good right? So last month when I was to looking for things to improve, I remember about this RP again and started Googling for it. Guess what, people all over the world are doing it, i.e. those who are concerned about improving themselves.
Basically RP is good because :
  • It's much easier and more accurate to park using RP, don't you think? In fact side parking is also essentially RP, if you really think about it.....
  • You take the trouble to park at first but when you want to go later on, it's easier and faster - this is very important if you're parking in a remote/secluded area (in danger of being ambushed by thieves/robbers)
  • It makes more difficult for thief to break into your car via your trunk especially if you park against a wall.
  • You use less fuel to drive your car forward later on because it is smooth sailing. But I guess when you RP your car in the 1st place, you must have the same amount of fuel anyway. So this point is arguable.
Those are some of the pros of RP and of course there are the cons of RP but I don't intend to write it here. For now I'm very happy to internalise this RP into my automatic robotic behaviour = HABIT.
Till next time.....I want to improve on My Hobby - Aquarium.